go'an, read them all again. it's a good idea, i promise.
or, go for the specific approach:
intro- 1.0
#1- checklist
#2- mystic greyhound
#3- robert smith rules
#4- fandom
#6- mrs hanaham
plot!- 2.0
#7- rapidoliner
#8- where'd the bile go?
#5- thursday special - embrace the cliches! (valentine's day)
#9- ah, there it is
#10- vcr
#11- sidetracked
#12- not-so-great escape
#13- watch your step
#14- no punchline
#15- deathtrap the first
#16- smush
#17- talons
#18- cool as hell
#19- fu-
#20- msting bastard
#21- my hero
snes - househunt - 3.1
#22- sarcasm
#23- rot
#24- can't draw cars
#25- real salesmanship
#26- hug
#27- interesting
#28- evil dead: never a better horror made. until ed2.
#29- big book o'plot points
thursday special - bunny mike and bunny alex for easterness
snes - streetfighter - 3.2
#30- chun li vs vega
#31- bloody stupid
#32- still bloody stupid
#33- narcissism is fun
#34- ryu vs dhalsim
#35- just wondering
thursday special - because it's fun to dress up mike and kate part 1
#36- most would like that...
#37- oh yeah, superpowers.
snes - zelda - 3.3
#38- ain't love grand?
#39- bored now...
#40- early morning wakeup call
#40- early morning wakeup call
#41- pants (in colour! colour pants!)
thursday special - because it's fun to dress up mike and kate part 2
#42- special guest horse c/o caz!
#43- the sword is NOT a metaphor
#44- oh, plot, yeah...
snes - mana - 3.4
#45- copyright squaresoft
#46- photographic memory
#47- cameos and cleavage
#48- boobs not actual size shown
#49- let him go back to EN, koji...
#50- follow the arrows, childerfolk (oh god i hate this strip)
snes - pokemon - 3.5
#51- player three press start
#52- though i know you were paying attention...
#53- i had to.
#54- the gift of plot
#55- attention span
#56- to protect the world from devastation!
#57- still a hentai free zone!
#58- beats `batman`
#59- the motive!
#60- how not to deal with mad beclawed women
#61- deathtrap the second
#62- standoffs suck
#63- officer mikachu
#64- betcha didn't see that coming
#65- death
thursday special - because it's fun to dress up mike and kate part 3
#66- homeward!
mindswap - arcus - 4.1
#67- chibi to bish in one easy zap
#68- cookies
#69- fun with alliterated phonemes
#70- oh, THAT lab..
#71- the magic words are `free rent`
#72- recoil's a bitch
mindswap - zappity - 4.2
#73- day jar voo
#74- i swear, we're not just about the boobies
#75- i so could.
#76- move along, plot
mindswap - revenge and that - 4.3
#77- call props for a new door
#78- [insert drama here]
#79- we all know it sucks. shush.
#80- scaredy cat
#81- two punchlines can cancel each other out
#82- plot meander
#83- a way with women
thursday special - kate is stressed